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Four ways to be anonymous online

4 Ways To Be Anonymous Online

Want to be anonymous online to view blocked websites, protect your self from hackers or want to hack some one
and stay un-traced?. In the following post i will explain 4 easy ways by which you can stay anonymous online!
PDF By : @DataBusterz Click To Join For More Trick
1. Using Proxies
A proxy is an address ( IP address ) of a Server (proxy server) that is placed between your computer and
Internet The advantage of a proxy is that your real IP address is Hidden so when you hack your giving the IP
address of the proxy sever and not your real IP address Same way if your a normal Internet user the hacker
won't get your real IP but the IP of the proxy server.You can use it to enter site or forum that you are IP is
banned. To know more about proxies les me know above this post and I will post a full Tutorial about it. 2. Using Tor
Tor-proxy is a free proxy-server service that Internet users can use to hide their IP address while surfing
the Web. Tor (The Onion Router) is free software for enabling online anonymity. Tor directs Internet traffic
through a free, worldwide volunteer network consisting of more than three thousand relays to conceal a
location or usage from anyone. I have written a complete How to guide on how to use tor - just let me know
you need it
3. SSH Tunneling
SSH tunnel is an encrypted tunnel created through an SSH protocol connection. SSH tunnels may be used
tunnel unencrypted traffic over a network through an encrypted channel.In easy language,you can surf net
without being monitored and even surf blocked sites too. To know more about SSH and SSH tunneling let
me know
if you would like to read: SSH tunneling guide. 4. Using VPN
Virtual Private Network. Basically its a private network which lets users to connect to other users or remote
sites using a public network usually internet. It uses “virtual” connections routed through the Internet from
the company's private network to the remote site or employee instead of physical connections. In short, it
private network constructed within a public network infrastructure, such as the global Internet. The Biggest
difference between proxy and VPN is everything in a VPN is encrypted which gives an additional layer of


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